High Blood Pressure in Dogs

Blood pressure is the pressure caused by the blood, onto the walls of the arteries during the contraction and relaxation of the heart, while pumping blood. Due to the contraction and relaxation of the heart, blood pressure is divided into two types, which are:
- Systolic pressure. It is the pressure applied to the walls of the arteries when the heart contracts.
- Diastolic pressure. It is the pressure applied to the walls of the arteries when the heart relaxes.
When this blood pressure becomes very high, it results in a condition called hypertension. In dogs, hypertension is among the diseases that affect the circulatory system. The disease causes stress to the heart as it pumps blood to the parts of the body. It is advisable to know about hypertension in dogs, to quickly note a hypertension problem in our dogs at home.
Causes of Hypertension in Dogs
The main cause of hypertension in dogs is not well known. Though, there are some suggested causes for hypertension. They include:
Genetic factors
In most cases, there are parent dogs that have hypertension, and they give birth to an offspring with hypertension. This shows that there are some genes passed from parent to an offspring, which result in hypertension.
- Chronic kidney diseases.
- Diabetes.
- Hypothyroidism.
- Glomerulonephritis.
- General obesity.
- Cushing's syndrome.
Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension
When a dog is affected by hypertension, the eyes are seriously affected. It's therefore important, to observe the eyes of your dog whenever you suspect hypertension. Some of the signs and symptoms that are seen in dogs with hypertension are:
- Eye blindness.
- There is some bleeding in the eye.
- Disorientation.
- Detached retina.
- Irregular heartbeats.
- Increased drinking and urinating.
- Seizures.
- Blood in the urine.
- Uncoordinated or wobbly movements.
Treatment of Hypertension in Dogs
Nearly all hypertension condition is dogs are secondary. Secondary hypertension differs from primary hypertension in that, for secondary hypertension to occur, there must be an underlying condition for its occurrence, unlike primary hypertension where it occurs naturally on its own. Some of the underlying conditions include diabetes.
Taking into consideration of the above, for a treatment to be made on secondary hypertension in dogs, the underlying condition causing hypertension should be identified. After the identification of the condition, treatment is then given to the dog to treat that condition. Mostly medication of drugs is always done to the affected dog. It should be noted that medication should only be administered after a prescription from a licensed veterinarian.
Measurement of Blood Pressure in Dogs
Blood pressure on dogs can be done by placing a catheter on one of the major dog's arteries. When the measurements are taken indirectly, the oscillometric method and Doppler methods are used. Some dogs may be violent when taking the measurements of their blood pressure. It is therefore advisable to take the dog to a veterinary doctor for more diagnosis.
It is wise to take the time to learn about our pets at home. Pets, like dogs, need a lot of care and maintenance. This will enable these dogs to live a happy life. Whenever a condition which looks like hypertension shows any signs in a dog, the dog should be quickly taken to the nearest veterinary clinic for assistance.